Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Class Dialogue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Class discourse - Assignment ExampleLibreria Editrice Vaticana Chapter I 24-27 36-39 41-45. 6-10. Accessed online on June 8, 2014 from http//w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html.This source takes a look into evangelism and the berth that Christ plays in evangelism. According to the source, Christ is proactive and loved humans first. Additionally, the source looks into the single-valued function vie by patient and restraint on time. The relevance of this source to the topic at hand is that evangelism and the role played by Christ in showing love provides relevant perspectives for developing the current associate dialogue.United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. (n.d). Faithful Citizenship A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility. Accessed June 8, 2014 from http//www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/ secretive-citizenship/upload/forming-consciences-for-faithful-citizenship.pdfAs citizens, A merican are controlled by policies that aim to uphold law and order within the society. As faithful Christians, Catholics demand that citizenship and faith should integrate provided that the church is free to carry verboten its mission without interruptions from policies that watch everywhere humans. The relevance of this source to the current topic is providing insight on how, Christians should show love to other people, maintain their faith as Catholics, and function under national policies (the constitution).This quote is of special interest as it points out that the relevance of documents is slowly deteriorating and interest in following up with administrative doctrines has been deemed insufficient. This quote raises the question of what to a greater extent is needed to regulate the outcomes of choices.In 2013, the USA was in the news headlines for the wrong reason. With the efforts to control or observe terror, a spy program called Prism was developed to intercept communica tion of various citizens. This program would

Monday, April 29, 2019

Recruit Requirements Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Recruit Requirements - Assignment ExampleThe applicant further needs to strike a valid drivers license and successfully pass Physical Abilities Test (PAT), Polygraph examination, ad psychological examination (Florida highway patrol 65th anniversary 1939-2004, 2005).They must be a citizen of join States aged 21 age or older. They should possess a High School Diploma or GED. They should in addition not break visible tattoos on their bodies when wearing standard uniform of the day. They should not have expendd any illegal drugs whatsoever for a period of not less than 3 years of making application or after they have attained 30 years of age. The applicant should also demonstrate good moral character and have no felony convictions, arrests or other law enforcement engagements entailing perjury, dishonest statements, or criminal traffic offences. Other qualification include six months free of tobacco use and must have successfully passed investigation tests and polygraph examinatio n (Gee, 2014).A contrasts of the requirements for Florida State Police and join Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office reveal a lot of similarity. However, an officer at sheriffs office must be at least 21 years old as compared to 19 years age essential for the state police. Also, while both of state police and sheriffs office insists on physical qualifications, the condition pays a lot of attention on this qualification. This is evidenced by the limited number of female employees in these department who find the training to be excessively rigorous. However, due to the nurture of their engagement and their expansive jurisdictional coverage, it is necessary for the state police to be a notch higher than their state counterparts when it comes to physical fitness. It is low the discretion of the physician conducting PAT to determine that the applicant meets the physical requirements necessary to perform the basic functions that appertains to the

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Structure paper of presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

social system paper of presentation - Essay ExampleAt a sore of 30 China features a low score on uncertainty shunning. Truth could also be relative although within the agile social circles theres concern for Truth with a capital T and rules (but not essentially laws) abound.At a score of twenty China could be a extremely collectivist culture wherever individuals move within the interests of the cluster and not essentially of themselves. In-group considerations have an effect on hiring and promotions with ne atomic number 18r in-groups (such as family) be becoming discriminatory treatment. Worker commitment to the organization (but not essentially to the folks within the organization) is low. Whereas relationships with colleagues ar cooperative for in-groups theyre cold or maybe hostile to out-groups. Personal relationships prevail over task and company.At sixty six China could be a masculine society success minded and driven. The indispensability to make sure success may be exe mplified by the actual fact that a commode of Chinese can sacrifice family and leisure priorities to work.People are influenced by formal authority and sanctions and are normally optimistic regarding peoples capability for leadership and initiative. Individuals must not have aspirations portentous their rank.The justice system ought to even have effective mechanisms for reducing, or altogether eliminating, scoundrel and corrupt part of enforcement agencies. (Hedging against currency risk will add tier of safety to your offshore investments (Charles, 2002).Traditions are often custom-made to suit new conditions. Chinese folks acknowledge that government is by men instead of as within the Low LTO countries by an external influence like God or the law. Thinking slipway in which specialize in the total or no confidence, contrastive with low LTO countries that suppose in probabilistic ways.There is abundant labour in

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Political communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

governmental communication - Essay ExampleSince the flu affects every individual regardless of gender, cultural background or economic status, the campaign is directed to all the people in United Kingdom. Special attention is in any case given to people coming in the country because they may be bringing the virus scarce like in the case of the two infected persons confined in a hospital in Scotland who arrived from Mexico (Wake Up Britain, 2009).The campaign aimed to warn people about the dangers of swine flu and at the same time ameliorate them on how to prevent getting infected or infecting others if they suspect they already have the virus. The government utilize different media such as flyers (Charles, 2009 Department of Health, 2009 NHS & DHSSPS), radio and television broadcast as well as the internet to communicate the entropy. They hit the right target audience because with the characteristics of the flu, no one is invulnerable. The flyers contained complete information about swine flu and extended more information by giving numbers which people could augur in case they need to be educated more about the virus (NHS & DHSSPS, 2009). However, it should be considered that not all who receive leaflets really read them completely. The television advertisement (Department of Health, 2009) can be considered to have effectively relayed the message to the different kinds of people by using models of different races genders and ages. It was unforesightful, clear and concise. However, the campaign was quite short and fails to expound on the seriousness of the advice being given. Nevertheless, this could also be understandable because when the campaign was done, everybody seemed to have been well-informed about the swine flu already. Perhaps it could be safe to say that the television is the most accessible moderate of information because it is often used for relaxation and people do not need to read what is presented on the screen.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Cubism or Fauvism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cubism or Fauvism - Essay ExampleUnlike Fauvism, Cubism breaks up objects, analyzes and re-assembles them in abstracted forms. Therefore, preferably than view objects from a single viewpoint, Cubism depicts its overthrows in multiple viewpoints, representing them in greater context. Like in Picassos Houses on the hill, he uses block-resembling, cubic buildings to portray an image of houses on a divergent, or else than convergent, perspective. The intersection of the surfaces at random angles eliminates depth and a central vanishing point. This is further enhanced by the use of shades and the focussing colors are limited. Fauvism, on the other hand, used strong colors, which were not their subjects natural colors, to successfully transport out strong emotions, like shown by Henri Matisses Dance. He based it on his previous drill that used less details and paler colors. It shows five, nude dancing figures in dense red paint. They are doctor against the sky in deep blue and a gr een landscape. Reflecting the artists interest in primitive art, Dance stretches out three clearly clashing colors on the canvas, with each draft copy attention to itself. By reducing its subjects into their geometric forms, Cubism was able to make works done in 2-D fall out as if they were done in 3-D. Artists were able to use geometric styles to simultaneously show a subject in more than than one aspect. In Fauvism, the objects were painted in very simple designs and styles, with strong colors compensating for the simplicity. Although they did not appear realistic in comparison to real life objects., they were more realistic in comparison to objects painted in Cubist style. Part B The style I find more appealing is Fauvism. Cubism presents a more complicated form of art that is not easily translated. For example, in Picassos Houses on the hill, one may not recognize within the first glance that they are very houses shown in a view that flows upward. This aspect is emphasized b y the way the houses are intersected, shown from different angles on the same surface and lack of depth. The lack of depth also gives the impression that the furthest houses are above, rather than behind, those in the foreground. On the other hand, in Fauvism, the emotions brought to mind by the style of colors are straight off felt (Gerdts, 1997). For example, they way Matisse puts three exaggerated colors next to each other in Dance, he is able to portray the sky and earth as active components of the painting, rather than mere backgrounds. The warmth of the deep red dancers arranged in a ring against a cool background in bluish green creates a feeling of the rhythmical succession that is usually conveyed by dancing. A viewer can at once feel the emotional liberation and

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Marketing Orientation Essay

Entrepreneurial Orientation and selling Orientation - Essay ExampleThere were so many variations as there was the number of business enterprises. This prompted management scholars to delve deep into the matter to insure out how many ways are there to make a business flourish. Their search has non been without success. In fact they extradite come out with some rare insights into the dynamics of profit coevals and maximization. While large organizations could afford to experiment with any or all of these methods, the small and medium enterprises, the SMEs, have to be very choosy in their selection of modus operandi because of resource limitations. However, they also have a plum wide choice to select from, like the Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Orientation, Operation Reasearch, Brand Boosting and the likes. Right straight off we would be interested in two of these most significant methods, viz. Entrepreneurial Orientation and Marketing Orientation.What is Entrepreneurial Orientation The term entrepreneurial orientation has been used to refer to the strategy-making processes and styles of firms that engage in entrepreneurial activities. A popular model of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) suggests that there are five dimensions of EOautonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness (Lumpkin and Dess 1996).Autonomy refers to the entrepreneurs freedom to choose his own line of business, range of products and the securities industry segment he wants to operate in. This reflects his entrepreneurial genius and his analytical ability and his resourcefulness to meet challenges.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Written Assignment #5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Written Assignment 5 - Essay Examplebecause of their linkup with big organization, and their capability to purchase and stock high volume commodities, act as a distributer of the product. Traditionally, wholesalers were believed to be just an intermediary in the channel with no value addition to the customers, because of the common recognition that value addition is done by the retailers only, who sell the final goods. But in the context of eer changing marketing scenario, this has been modified. Customers demand more and have higher expectations from their suppliers, especially distributors. Out of stock for a long time after placing order incr quiets the lead time which is not desirable and it may response in customer penalizing both the wholesaler and the retailer for the incomplete order. Today, customer loyalty is based on supplier performance. Performance is both in terms of quality and timely delivery of the specified products. Customers ever so increasing expectation o f the value added services provided with the requirement without any additional cost has been responsible for exerting howling(a) pressure to the retailers. Thus, in order to handle the requirements, wholesalers must step forward and take proactive actions in terms of close integration with the customers by simplification of the distribution process in a timely and cost effective way and must ensure that the customers are perceiving value added services as droll (udel.edu, n.d.).Potential of the Internet as an efficient and effective communication channel appeared obvious due to the ease of global reach ease of access enhanced interactivity speedy and flexible transaction of large amounts of data in a cost effective way and maintenance easiness (Pyle, 1996 Jones & Visayasarthy, 1998). Modern wholesalers and retailers are helpless on internet in the following

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Film Treatment about the boston bombing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film Treatment some the capital of Massachusetts bombing - Essay ExampleAfter he finishes his shower, David puts on a small short and indue before dressing into a track suit, he then goes to the kitchen in order to make waffles for breakfast. duration preparing his breakfast, he switches own his flat screen TV where he notices all the channels are talk about the Boston marathon that is being held on the same day. While he is having his breakfast, he hears a knock at the door and on opening the door he is hugged by his best title-holder Chris who asks him if his ready to encourage the prize m whizzy and start a fund for young boys who are wo(e) from leukemia. David shouts hell yeah while he welcomes Chris in with a glass of juice and a cull of waffle. Chris is also dressed in a track suit only that his is made up of the interior(a) flag of the United States of America. Both Chris and David are intending to take part in the Boston marathon and learn the prize money which they will use to establish a fund for boys who are battling with leukemia. Chris tells David to harry up since the marathon is expect to begin at around 9.00 am hence they needed about an instant to stretch in preparation for the huge task ahead. David grabs two bottles of water and locks the door as they pull out his apartment. While they are on the lift Chris reminds David to show up at the library later in the evening so as to study for the continuous assessment test that they had the following day. At the lobby, they fancy up with their class mates June and Lee who have come to give them support in their efforts to win the Boston marathon. Lee tells David and Chris that they will wait for them near the finish air since they are true that one of them will win the prize money. June shows them a cheque for 1000 dollars and tells them that she will put the money in the medical fund the two wish to start for leukemia patients. The second scene begins at the starting line of the Bost on marathon where participants are getting ready for the race to begin. David notices 6 Kenyan and 4 Ethiopian athletes who he recognized from a feature he had seen on ESPN naming them as the best athletes who talent win the race. In his mind, he tells himself that if he keeps up with the ten athletes then he is sure that he will cross the finish line among the pull in three finishers. He whispers to Chris that they make sure that they happen parallel to the Kenyan and Ethiopian athletes then they will be able to finish the race among the top three. Te ace starts and after(prenominal) about two hours time their approach seems not to have worked since twain the Kenyan and Ethiopian athletes are both nowhere to be seen. Despite the fact that they are sure that they will not be able to finish the race David urges Smith to be strong for them to at least finish the race. After about thirty minutes, both Chris and David could see the finish line since it was about a quarter mile away . They both smiled and held hand as they ran towards the finish line. In just after 5 minutes David hears a loud explosion and sees that it comes from the finish line. After about two seconds he hears a second explosion which makes him deaf for about five seconds. When Davids hearing comes back, he hears a lot of screams and sirens form government vehicles. Act Two David is so scared that his heart is pounding against his chest. He looks at Chris

Monday, April 22, 2019

MARKETING PLAN Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MARKETING PLAN - Term Paper ExampleThese are individuals/ groups who wish to be in control of their spending, those who are budget conscious and are always in the lookout for correct finds and bargains so they could maximize their budget. They bequeath most likely shop in a supermarket that offers one of the worst prices. They go away be interested in a place that is haven for those who wish to stretch their budget. butt joint market includes both men and women who are contributing to the earnings of the household. They are the decision makers who are in control of identifying which products to purchase for the daily needs of the house. Secondary target market are the children and younger ones who alike have great influence in the purchasing decisions of their parents/ guardians.Wal-mart will retail standard supermarkets, both run dry and wet goods. It will carry a wide range of products, from beauty and health care, to kitchen items and food, and even garments and teeny-weeny appliances. It will also have a snack counter where shoppers could stop by while finishing their shopping. It will be offer a one-stop shopping convenience that will provide the customers with all the needful items they usually shop for when visiting a supermarket.Wal-mart will be a warehouse type of supermarket experience. It will have wide aisles, spacious shopping areas that best suit those who buy items in bulk. The store is designed to make shopping comfortable for its customers. Pricing will be competitive the management will learn that the store offers the lowest in the industry. The store will also offer loyalty programs for those who are frequent buyers. It will give additional discounts to members of this loyalty programs.Wal-mart will do promotions through local television and radiocommunication advertisements. It will also place occasional advertisements in local newspapers on a regular basis. Wal-mart will also do below-the-line advertising via ad placements in b illboards situated in key areas in the cities.